
  1. How much Indonesians like to do nail beauty treatment?

    Having beautiful nails is a must for some people. Beautiful nails mean having clean and healthy nails. However, sometime…

  2. New Variant Payment Methods in Indonesia, Why Investor Should be Interested

    Typical payment methods used in modern business, c…

  3. Public awareness of oral health in Indonesia

    Oral health is essential to overall health. Good o…

  4. How much Indonesian like zoos?

    In Indonesia, zoos, places where wild animals are …

  5. Online shopping behavior in Indonesia

    Indonesian love for online shopping. Quoting data …

  6. Discovering Indonesian Female’s Trend On Social Media, What Apps They Like The Most?

  7. Indonesians Awareness of Internet Security, Survey: They Need Application to Feel Safe!

  8. A Recommendation After School Activities, A Survey on Indonesian Extracurricular Preferences For Student

  9. High Risk to Get Stress, Indonesian Workers Have To Be Careful

  10. Cause Selfie Is Important, Do We Need Extra App?


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