
Survey: Indonesian Still Prefer Houses

Every family in Indonesia wants shelter for them to be together. Parents need a home to raise their kids. Kids need a home to grow up. But, what thing is considered a home? is it a house, apartments, or rented rooms?

With such a large population, (the fourth largest in the world) there is a housing shortage in many cities in Indonesia. The government is trying to build thousands of new houses and apartments for the people. The demand for houses in Indonesia is rising. Most of Indonesian are most likely prefer houses than other kinds of residences like apartments or others.

But what kind of houses that preferred by most Indonesian? Take a look at the survey below!

PERIOD: 2017/8/7 〜 2017/12/31

Q. Where do you live? (SA)

According to this result, 46.71% of respondents live in the parent’s houses. Meanwhile, about 34% of respondents already live in their houses while the percentage of 13.57% live in a rented house.

This result shows that many Indonesian are having difficulty leaving the role of parents, especially in matters of property.

Q2. What kind of place do you live in? (SA)

When asked about what kind of place do Indonesian live, a whopping 83% of respondents live in houses. Meanwhile, 6.2% of respondents live in rented rooms while 4.4% of respondents live in apartments.

By this result, we can simply say that most Indonesian live in houses more than in apartments or rented rooms.

Q. With whom do you live? (MA)

Most of the respondents live with their spouse and their child, with a percentage of 47.5%. Meanwhile, 40% of respondents live with their parents. Other 18.16% of respondents live with sisters and brothers.

By this result, most Indonesian prefer living with their closest relatives such as spouses or children, parents, or sisters. So, an ideal house of Indonesian should be able to accommodate Indonesian’s relatives.

Q. How much do you have to pay for your rent? (SA)

When asked about rents, respondents with a percentage of 48% don’t have to pay rent for their house. 15.6% of respondents pay for Rp 500 thousand – 1 million for rent, while 10.36% of respondents pay for Rp 300 –500 thousand. 11.73% pay less than Rp 300 thousand for rent.

We can that there were more Indonesian who have to pay rents for their living, with a percentage of 52% than those who don’t have to with a percentage of 48%. This also pictured that most Indonesian are having difficulties in owning properties.

Q. If you were married, would you like to buy a house? (SA)

According to the survey, even though in the previous result there are a lot of Indonesian still rent houses or rooms, most of them still want to own a house for the family. If married, a whopping 78% of Indonesian want to own a house.

There were only about 18% of respondents who want to buy a residence other than houses such as apartments, townhouses, or any other kind of living place.

Q. What are the most important aspects when buying a house? (MA)

When buying a house, 46.5% of respondents prefer a calm environment. 42.12% of respondents prefer a house that is near their workplace.35.5% of respondents want their residence near the town center.

Most Indonesian prefer a residence in which the environment is calm, near the workplace, and near to the town center. From this, we can see that location is the most important aspect for Indonesian in deciding to buy a house.

The Verdict

Most Indonesian still live with their parents in their parents’ houses. They prefer to live with their closest relatives such as spouses or children, parents, or sisters.

More Indonesian live in houses than in apartments or rented rooms. However, there were more Indonesian who must pay rents for their living, with a percentage of 52% than those who don’t have to with a percentage of 48%. This means there are a lot of Indonesian have not had any house

Of course, most Indonesian want to buy a house, especially if they were getting married. They would prefer a residence in which the environment is calm, near the workplace, and near to the town center. Thus, it is important for residence developers to take note that Location is still the most important factor that affects the Indonesian decision in buying a house.

The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • Indonesian’s preference for Residence
  • Where do Indonesian live
  • What kind of place do Indonesian live
  • With whom do Indonesian
  • How much do Indonesian pay for their rent
  • Are Indonesian Satisfied with their place of living
  • What important aspects do Indonesian consider when buying a house
  • If Indonesian were married, would they like to live with their parents
  • If Indonesian were married, would they like to buy a house
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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