Author archive

  1. Going For School or Work Could be ‘Unpleasant’ for Some Indonesian

    PERIOD: 2018/11/29 〜 2019/5/29RESPONDENTS: 500 RESPONDENTSSURVEY DONE BY LICORICEAlmost every morning, you have …

  2. The Indonesian Trending Dream Job: Programming

    The workforce is an important aspect of a country.…

  3. job changing

    Do Indonesian Satisfied with their Job?

    Davis, Newstrom and Dresler, scholars of Organizat…

  4. washing

    Survey: How do Indonesian Wash Their Clothes?

    Washing clothes is essential for keeping hygiene. …

  5. What do Indonesian Aim from Joining a Course or Training?

    There are a lot of reasons training or courses w…

  6. Indonesian Loves Smartphone Games, But Reluctant to Pay

  7. Indonesian mostly get only one day off and spend with family

  8. Indonesian and a thin line between those who are not interested and are interested in fortune-telling

  9. Pop Up Ads Notif Is Annoying Sometime, How to Make Indonesian Deal With

  10. Indonesian Chose WhatsApp As A Worth Personal Notification, Why?


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