
Discovering Indonesian Female’s Trend On Social Media, What Apps They Like The Most?

Social media applications are the things that Indonesian females have concerns the most in life.

In the digital era, almost no one never owns a social media account for daily. They will have at least one to make good relations with each other.

But how exactly Indonesian females trend on it? What kind of social media apps they use the most? how often do they use it per day? We’ll find out all of these answers through a survey which was done by Licorice.

PERIOD: 2019/9/6 – 2020/3/6
RESPONDENTS: 500 Indonesians female

AGED: 10-49 years old.

Facebook is the Most Popular Apps!

Indonesians Female nowadays think social media is like part of their life, like a place to share everything in life, good or bad, up and down. So it almost impossible if they never have it. Look at the charts below:

Q: Please select the social media app you’re using (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

When asked about what social media apps that they use, almost all preferences they have it. Facebook is the number one apps with 84% of respondents said use it. Followed with Youtube and Instagram at the second and third rank with a percentage above 50% for both. Let’s take a look at the lowest point, only 0.8% of respondents said no use social media at all. According to the chart it approves that social media very important for the current situation.

Even the charts shown females have more than 10 applications, but it is not indicating they use all so often. In fact only some apps which really worth to use for them. Look at the chart below:

Q: What social media that you use most often? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

A total of 48.4% of respondents stated that they always use Facebook. It followed with Youtube and Instagram. On the contrary, when asked about Twitter or even Tiktok, based on this survey those apps are not really used often for Indonesians females. Somehow there have reasons why the trends show zero point at some apps. First is because the apps not really popular, or the second reason is because the apps still not popular. For your information, the character of social media users in Indonesia is following the trends, so if there some apps at the lowest point it is not meaning they really useless.

When females are playing with social media, there some activities they will do, such as post a picture or video, view people’s posts, or both of them.

Q: When on social media, do you more often post or view/enjoy people’s posts? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

The survey said 47.6% of respondents prefer only view and enjoy people’s posts. While slight 12.4%  use social media to post something. However about 37.6% of respondents said to do both. Post or not something on feeds apps it deepens on personal statement. When the normal situation comes, they may post with the normal frequent.

Q: How often do you create posts containing photos or videos on social media? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

we can say that majority, 35.2% of respondents, post photos or videos more than once a day. On the other hands, About 35% of female post photos or videos less than once a week.

The reasons behind make females post photos or videos more than once a day may be caused there are some trending topics, joining the campaign of social movements, or play the challenge that viral on social media. so they possible to post more than 5 times a day or even 10 times, amazing right?

From the survey, we can conclude that the top three preferences on social media for Indonesian females are Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. According to the data, fare amount of females prefer to upload something on social media often, but also there are females who are not interested in posting so frequently. For a special occasion, social media could be the best place to promote the products.

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