
Nice Interior, Indonesian Strong Reason to Visit Coffee Shop: Survey

Hundreds of coffee shops currently spread everywhere in Indonesia. Not only the franchise brand, but also own by the person. One of the other has self characteristic, either from the coffee taste itself or the vibes when you stay longer for work and chill.

But do you know? Indonesians prefer to looking for decoration when finding the coffee shop. Interesting right? So let’s look a little closer with the trends of the coffee shop from the survey which was done by Licorice.

PERIOD: December 10, 2019 〜 December 17, 2019
RESPONDENTS: 150 Indonesians, consist of 75.33% of male respondents, 24.00% of female respondents and 0.67% of other respondents. Age between 10-59 years old.

Question: What makes you want to visit/come to a coffee shop after work? (MA)

Survey done by Licorice

According to the survey, 53.3% of respondents stated place is the strongest reason to make them visit. Place is not only about the location but also the interior design than make it comfortable. It means that the coffee shop interior can attract the customers by the unique decoration.

We know that interior and comfortable are not the only answer. Based on the survey, 32.67% of respondents stated need good hospitality when visiting coffee shops. A good service is plus two points and make them so please.

How About Smoking Room?

As we know, Indonesia has a spiking trend in smoking. So the smoking room is kind of mandatory when built a coffee shop. Based on the survey, 21.33% of respondents stated that the smoking area is one of the reasons to visit. Last but not least, good entertainment always is supporting the reason why customers want to visit a coffee shop. About 29.33% of respondents stated nice music, TV show, and live entertain are very interesting points.

When we asked about the reason why customers visit the coffee shop, we have to ensure that something worth doing before built or makeover a coffee shop. Based on the survey Licorice, customers prefer to dine in than any options such as delivery or take away. Look at the pie chart below:

Question: What the most order methods that you looking for from cafe/coffee shop/resto? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

Based on the pie chart, 72% of respondents stated dine in is the most like method when finding some cafe or coffee shop. The rest of the answers are divided into three pies, 12% of respondents stated for delivery, 10.67% stated for taking away, and 5.33% stated for daily catering. It means that Indonesian find some pleasures to fulfill the experience of eating. Not only for delicious but also good ambiance when dining in.

Affordable Price

Visiting the coffee shop currently is a kind of urban lifestyle. Customers enjoy to eat and drink after office time or study to release the stress or just to hang out. But do you know how much the cost do they spend in every visit it? Let the survey answer it.

Question: How much do you spend when visiting the cafe/coffee shop/resto? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

According to the survey, about 82.66% of respondents stated spend below IDR 100 K when visit. Meanwhile, only 17.34% of respondents stated spend above IDR 100 K. Based on that data, we know that Indonesian only purchases at least one beverage and one main course menu for every visit to the coffee shop. So if you are the owner, please make sure the menu that you are offering has a good deal price. It will be impacted the customers to think that your coffee shop is worth coming back.

To sum up, the coffee shop interior is very important to attract customers. If they feel good experience for the first time, it very possible for the second. Moreover, one thing than never be forgotten is the price. Indonesians do not spend much when visiting the coffee shop, so make sure to deal with it.

The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • What makes Indonesian want to visit/come to a coffee shop after working
  • What the most order methods that Indonesian looking for from cafe/coffee
  • How much Indonesian spend when visiting the cafe/coffee shop/resto
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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