
Indonesian Loves Sunday! Here Are the Things That We Can Do on Sunday

From Monday to Friday, most private and public employees wake up early to catch the trains or buses before they are late to work. From Monday to Friday, parents at home try their best to wake up their kids so that they won’t be late for school.

Monday until Friday—known as weekdays—commonly become the busy days for employees and students, while Saturday and Sunday—known as weekends—usually become the free days.

A survey from Licorice shows Indonesians’ preference of days in a week.

Survey period: January 26, 2020 – July 24, 2020
Respondents: 500 Indonesian men and women aged between 10-59 years old

Undoubtedly, Sunday becomes the most chosen day by the respondents with 35.2% in percentage, while Thursday becomes the least liked day with only 4.8% votes from the respondents). 

Other weekdays get less than 10% votes, except Friday with 22.2%. Meanwhile, Saturday becomes the respondents’ third favorite day after Sunday and Friday. 

Why do people love Sundays? Here are the things that people always wait for on Sundays! 

Doing some “me time”

Five days of work or study have drained people’s energy. That’s why many people wait for Sunday to spend time with themselves without any disruption from anyone to recharge their energy. 

Doing hobbies

Not all people can do their hobbies as often as they wish, for they have other responsibilities to be accomplished, for example, work. In this case, Sunday becomes the day they can find time to do their hobbies, such as handcrafting, making music, or doing sports. 


Sunday becomes the day for people to get their personal lives maintained, including socializing. On this day, people only want to leave behind their professional lives for a while and start interacting with other communities or networking by joining certain events. 

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