
How an Advertisement Attract Indonesian Buyer | A Survey

PERIOD: 2018/12/21 〜 2019/6/21

The sale of products in most cases are determined by how their marketing strategy is. Advertisement, as part of the marketing strategy most of the time also becomes a determining factor in the sale. Of course if a manufacturer or marketer wants to sell a product in Indonesia, they have to understand Indonesian behavior toward advertisements.


Q. From the list below, please choose the most often item that you use/see? (SA)

The smartphone is the most used gadgets by respondents with a whopping percentage of 59.6%. Next to smartphones, respondents also watch television with a percentage of 29.6%. There were several percentages of respondents who often use or see computers or tablets.

Radio, newspaper, magazines and brochures are not often being seen by Indonesian. So it will be effective if you place your product ads on smartphones and TV to be seen the most.


Q. What kind of tv advertisement do you like? (SA)

Most Indonesian prefer advertisement if it contains humor or comedy, with a decent percentage of 49%. About 35% of respondents also wanted an advertisement to be funny. This means, most of Indonesian want their advertisements to have a touch of humor. By adding humor, Indonesian customers will be attracted by the ads.

Some 34.4% of respondents want the advertisements to have a storyline as well. An additional plus value for advertisements that will attract customers are catchy songs, nice slogans, fresh idea, and also heartwarming messages.


Q. Where do you usually get the information about the items that you want to buy? (MA)

61.4% of Indonesian got information about the new items that they want to buy from television. Next to television, they got information about a product that they want to buy from internet ads from smartphones with 37.2% and online shopping market with a percentage of 29.4%.

Social media also become the source of information about items that Indonesian want to buy, whether it’s from an official account, influencer or normal account.

By this result, it can be concluded that the most effective way to inform new customers is through television and smartphone. In smartphones, marketers may take advantage of social media power, which can be maximized by using social media influencer or official accounts.

To be noted, Indonesian influencers have high impacts on their audience. An influencer may have multiple social media accounts, so it will multiply your advertisement exposure.

Of course the price of advertising is different, based on how influential the mediums or influencers are.

Q. Do you ever buy a product, service, or download an application because of their ads in the internet? (SA)

29.8% of respondents often buy a product, service or download apps because of their ads on the internet. 30.4% of respondents also stated that they are pretty often to buy products because of their ads on the internet.

This result proved that the internet is one effective platform for ads in Indonesia.


Q. Please tell us types of product/service/application that you buy/use/download because you see the ads on the internet! (MA)

If you use the internet, based on the survey, food/drinks are the most bought product after the consumer see the ads on the internet, with a percentage of 35.6%

The second most bought product after seeing the ads from the internet is games, with a slightly lower percentage of 34.4%
32% of respondents bought accessories after seeing ads on the internet.

Fashion furniture and electronics, and music are also bought after consumers see the ads on the internet.

The three most bought products after Indonesian see internet ads foods/drinks, games, and accessories.


Q. When you see an online product or service ads that you like, what is your first thing to do? (SA)

When seeing online products, 60.8% of Indonesian will click the ads to get direct information about the products. 39.2% of respondents will look from other sources with the search engine to get information about products. There are more Indonesian who directly click the ads about the product information.


Q. From the list below, what affects you the most when buying a product or service? (MA)

Most of the respondents, with a percentage of 41.2% affected a product because of information that is clearly stated in the product or service. Information from sellers or users also affects Indonesian in buying a product or service.

This result could be translated that information is one of the key factors in advertising. Best ads are ads that provide complete information.


Q. What social media affect you the most in deciding to buy a product or service? (SA)

Youtube is the social media that affect most Indonesian buyers to buy a product or service with a percentage of 30%. Facebook and Instagram are the second and the third most influential social media that affect Indonesian in buying products.

Whatsapp with a decent percentage of 11.4% also affects Indonesian in deciding to buy a product or service.
It can be concluded that Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are the most influential social media to affect Indonesian to buy products.


The Verdict

So it will be effective if you place your product ads on smartphones and TV to be seen the most. Indonesian want their advertisements to have a touch of humor. By adding humor, Indonesian customers will be attracted by the ads. More importantly,  Information is one of the key factors in advertising. Best ads are ads that provide complete information regarding the products.

The three most used social media are Youtube, Facebook, and Whatsapp. Besides being the most used, Youtube is the social media that affect most Indonesian buyers to buy a product or service. Marketers should consider more into the power of the internet and social media.

The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • The most medium seen by Indonesian
  • Indonesian preferred TV advertisements
  • Where Indonesian usually get information about the items that they want to buy
  • Indonesian most seen internet advertisements format
  • Internet advertisements impact in purchasing
  • Most bought product by Indonesian after seeing the internet advertisements
  • Indonesian reaction when seeing online advertisements
  • What affect Indonesian the most when buying products
  • Social media influence in Indonesian decision of buying a product
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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