
Indonesian Do Showering every day, A Good Market For Soap and Shampoo Industries

Standing on the equator area, the climate of Indonesia is one of the hottest tropical countries in the world. The sun seems not ever to be friendly. Moreover, the daily temperature is more than 30 degrees Celcius like every day. No other ways to solve it, but showering every day. Every time we took a shower, people will feel good, cool, and more relax.

But how many times Indonesian do a showering every day? Do they shampooing when showering? when the best time to do showering? Let’s find out do they satisfied or not with Licorice’s survey

PERIOD: August 7, 2017 – December 31, 2017
RESPONDENTS: 500 Indonesians, consist of 68.14% of female respondents, 30.86% of male respondents, and 1.0% of other respondents. They came from various ranges of ages from ten to 59 years old. However, the most dominant age ranges are from 20 to 29 and from 30 to 39 years old.

Question: Do you like showering? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

Based on the survey, 94.2% of respondents said that they like taking a shower. It means that Indonesian are happy with taking a shower. Why? it is because taking a shower has many advantages, to clean the body from bacteria and virus, so the body will feel better. Then the next thing is, how many Indonesian do showering? Look at the chart below:

Question: How often do you take shower? (SA)  

Survey Done by Licorice

Refer to the trends, about 88.6% of respondents said that they often take a shower. Then, about 9.6% of respondents said that they rarely take a shower. While, about 1.8% of respondents said that they do once a week or less that at all. It means that Indonesian very concerned with body health conditions because they take a shower often.

On the other hand, as often as people do a showering, soap is really important. Sometimes, they try many variants for soap brands only for getting a new pleasure while showering.

Indonesian Shampooing When Showering

As we know that step by step taking a shower is not only make the body wet and covering the body with soap, but also washing hair with shampoo. We know that shampoo is able to remove dirt and oil from the surface of the hair fibers and the scalp. It will be good if we combine it with the conditioner to ensure we get the smooth hair.

Question: How often do you wash your hair? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

Based on the trends, about 61.4% of respondents stated to do it at least once or more than twice a day. Several respondents stated they do it for approximately two to six times a week for about 34.6%. Only 4% of respondents, both male or female, washing hair less than once a week or less. 

Showering for Indonesian is not only at the house or private places like a hotel or apartment. Indonesian also familiar with public bathrooms. Look at the chart below:

Question: Do you ever take a bath at the public bathroom? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

In Indonesia, public bathroom are provided in some places for example at the gas station or at the mosque. Usually, for them who comes from lower class among limitation of sanitation in their house, using the public bathroom at least once a day. Sometimes, public bathrooms really helpful for travelers too. They can stop and rest a while at the gas station or mosque including taking a shower. So public bathrooms are very common in Indonesia, like the chart said about 56.6% of respondents have been showering at the public bathroom.

Best Time to Take a Shower

Indonesian do a shower at least one or two times a day.  A daily shower is about habit and societal norms. It is the reason why the time of showering varies so much distinctive from people to people. Loot their preferences below:

Question: When is the best time for you to take a shower? (SA)

Survey Done by Licorice

According to the survey, there are several time preferences to take a shower, morning afternoon or evening, and at night. About 65.4% of respondents said that the best time to take a shower is in the morning. Then, about 26.6% of respondents stated prefer to take a shower in the afternoon or evening. While, only 7.8% of respondents do taking a shower at night, whether before or after dinner and before sleep. We found the popular answer said morning is a good time to take a shower. It makes you fresh before do any daily activities.

Refer to the survey, it can not be denied that Indonesian really like showering every day. Therefore, it could be a good chance for soap and shampoo brands to market their products in Indonesia.

The promotions should begin with find influential people as brand ambassadors, for example, actors or singers, to get the market. Then, the following strategy is to give the market a competitive price with more extra volume or bonus buy one get half. Voila, your brand will easy to get remembered.

The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • Do Indonesian like showering or not
  • How often Indonesian taking a shower
  • How often Indonesian washing hair
  • How often Indonesian soak in a warm bathtub
  • How long Indonesian spend to take a shower
  • When the best time for Indonesian take a shower
  • Do Indonesian take a bath at the public bathroom or not
  • Do Indonesian ever been to the hot pool or not
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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