
The Indonesian’s Favorite Snacks and Perfect Drinking Companion

PERIOD: 2017/3/29 – 2017/7/29
RESPONDENTS: 500 Respondents.

Snacking is when you consume side foods or beverages between your regular main meals. The activity is arguably loved by most people around the world. Indonesian people are no exception.

Indonesian people have strong kinship. This culture which tends to be familial turns out to affect the habits of Indonesian people in consuming snacks. In every family meeting such as Christmas, Eid-al Fitr, Ramadhan, or Thanksgiving, snacks and drinks are always presets.

But how is Indonesians preference for snacks? What kind of snacks that they like? What kind of drink do they like to accompany their snacks? Let’s dig in the survey below!

Q. From the picture below, what is the color of chocolate candy that you think is the most delicious? (SA)

Sweetsanddrinks q1 q2

Chocolate can be said to be the most popular snack in the world. In Indonesia, you can find chocolates in most of the snack shops, from mini stalls to department stores.  How exactly do Indonesian people love chocolate?

About 59% of respondents stated that brown colored chocolate is the most delicious. We can see that Indonesian prefer to stick with ‘regular’ color chocolate for their snack. Next to brown is Red (14.2%), Blue (11.8%), which are considered delicious by respondents.

If you were a chocolate manufacturer and try to establish your market in Indonesia, it is better to avoid coloring your snacks into yellow, green or orange. These colors are less popular and considered not delicious in Indonesia.

In terms of chocolate tastes, milk chocolates become one of the most consumed chocolate variants in Indonesia. Though some chocolate flavors also have special places in Indonesian’s hearts.

Q. What kind of chocolate taste do you like the most? (SA)

Based on the survey, about 53% of respondents liked milk chocolate the most, making it the most liked chocolate by Indonesian. Next to milk chocolate, Indonesian love caramel and strawberry chocolate, with a percentage of 14.2% and 10.2% respectively. Matcha chocolate is only liked by 4.6% of respondents.

Now, let’s move to jelly. Indonesian also have their preferences on this unique textured snack.

Q. What kind of jelly taste do you like the most? (SA)

22.2% of the respondents liked strawberry tasted jelly. Other than strawberry, 19.2% of respondents liked grape and the other 16.8% liked mango jelly. Indonesian most favorite jelly tastes are strawberry, grape, and mango. The difference is not too distant though. So, it is still safe to provide variants for jelly.

Talking about the category of consumer choice snack products, research by American multinational confectionery, food, holding and beverage company, Mondelez found biscuit products to be the favorite products of consumers today, both sweet and savory. The second position is occupied by tea products, followed by market snacks.

Perfect Drinking Companion

Eating snacks won’t be fun without the right drinks. Indonesian also have their favorite drink to accompany their favorite snacks. The drink is varied regarding what snacks that they are eating.

Sweet Snack Companion

Q. What do you like to drink when eating sweet snacks? (MA)

When asked about their favorite drink to accompany sweet snacks, 28% of respondents choose coca-cola as their most preferable drink to accompany sweet snacks. 24.2% of respondents also find it good to drink a fruit-flavored drink while eating sweet snacks. Other alternatives chosen by respondents for sweet snacks are sprite, teas, milk and milk. Indonesian favorited coca-cola to drink when eating sweet snacks.

Savory Snack Companion

Q. What do you like to drink when eating savory snacks? (MA)

22.4% of respondents choose tea as their most preferable drink to accompany savory snacks. 21.6% of respondents also find it good to drink plain water while eating savory snacks. Other alternatives chosen by respondents for savory snacks are coca-cola or fruit-flavored drinks.
Indonesian favorite tea to drink when eating sweet snacks.

Other Snack Companion

Q. What do you like to drink when you’re eating (other than snacks)? (MA)

32% of respondents choose plain water as their most preferable drink when they are eating foods other than snacks. 24.8% of respondents also find it good to drink tea while eating other than snacks. Indonesian loves plain to drink when eating foods other than snacks.

Best Medium to Market Snacks and Drinks

Q. Where do you usually get the information about the new snack products? (MA)

64% of respondents get information about the new flavor of favorite snacks from television. The other 27.8% of respondents get information about new flavors from family or friends, while 22.6% other got the information from the internet. Television is the most used source of information about snack flavor.

64.2% of respondents get information about snack products from television. The other 25.6% of respondents get information about new products from family or friends, while 22.6% other got the information from the internet. Television is the most used source of information about new snack products.


Well, snacks producer needs to give attention to snack colors since it can influence consumer’s perceptions about taste. We can see that Indonesian prefer to stick with ‘regular’ color chocolate for their snack, which is brown. In terms of chocolate tastes, milk chocolates become Indonesian’s favorite.

The producer need also consider matching some foods with the correct drink. If sweet snacks are produced in high numbers, a drink like Coca Cola, fruit-flavored drinks, or tea should be provided in a large number. If savory snacks are produced more, then more tea or plain water should be produced for the best complimentary.

For marketing purposes, manufacturers should pay high attention to television, since television is the highly used media by consumers to receive information regarding new products or new flavors.


The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • Indonesian preference on chocolate candy color
  • Indonesian least favored chocolate candy color
  • Indonesian most favored chocolate taste
  • Indonesian most favored jelly taste
  • Indonesian drink preference when eating sweet snacks
  • Indonesian drink preference when eating savory snacks
  • Indonesian drink preference when eating other snacks
  • Indonesian sources of information about new taste or flavor
  • Indonesian sources of information about new snack  or drink products
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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