
Why Chocolate is the Most Favorited Ice Cream Taste in Indonesia

A Survey about Ice Cream in Indonesia by Licorice
PERIOD: 2019/8/1 〜 2020/2/1

A scoop of Ice cream is always perfect to cheer the day! Indonesia’s tropical climate with its hot temperature makes it even better. But, what ice cream taste do Indonesian preferred?

Q. Which Ice cream taste do you like the most? (SA)

Based on the survey result, 62.6% of Indonesian respondents preferred chocolate than other tastes. There were only 26.6% of respondents chose vanilla, while the other 10.8% chose Strawberry taste.

In Indonesia, you can easily find ice cream from the local mini shops, department stores, or ice cream restaurants. Most of the Indonesian brand of Ice cream always provide chocolate ice cream.

Some brands even provided specialty products of Chocolate ice cream. For instance, Walls have Magnum series, which offers a wide range of chocolate choices such as Belgium Chocolate, Chocotruffle, Tiramisu, and so on.

One factor that causes Indonesians to like chocolate is that Indonesia is one of the third largest cocoa producers in the world. In addition, chocolate is also related to the nature of the Indonesian people.

According to research conducted by neurologist Dr. Alan Hirsch, inventor of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, chocolate ice cream taste enthusiasts turned out to be a friendly figure, joking, charming, and enjoying being together. These traits are Indonesian characters!

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