
Which home appliances do you have? Investigation on the situation of home appliances in Vietnam!

Survey on the situation of home appliances in Vietnam!

There are many home appliances around us such as Refrigerator, Vacuum cleaner, Washing Machine, Dish washer, Microwave, Cooler, etc

In the late 1950s of Japan, “ TV ”,  “ Washing machine “  and “ Refrigerator “ were considered the “three sacred treasures” which people longed for. By the 1980s, the popularity rate of these appliances reached almost 100% and now these appliances have become necessary in everyday life and have become an indispensable existence in everyday life of people.

We wonder which home appliances do people own or which home appliances they yearn for in Vietnam, which is in midst of economic development.

Based on the data of「Survey related to home appliances (*) 」, we would like to introduce you to the situation of home appliances in Vietnam.

(*) Licorice Investigation
Questionnaire delivery period:2016.12.09-2017-01.31
Questionnaire Respondents:500 Vietnamese men and women, aged between 10-40 years old.



[Q.] Please check mark all the appliances you own from the following list.(MA)



When asked about “which all appliances do you own”, the highest response was “refrigerator” at 83% of the total, followed by “TV” at 76% and “rice cooker” at 73%.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications statistics Bureau “Survey on national consumption in Heisei 20 years”, the TOP 3 home appliances with the highest penetration rate as major durable consumer goods in Japan were, “Fridge” 98.1%, “Washing machine” 97.7%, “TV” 96.9%.

Indeed, these are still the three sacred treasures.

Although “washing machine” has the highest popularity rate in Japan, it is slightly lower in comparison to the popularity rate of “PC” in Vietnam.


Single people in Vietnam live in affordable share houses or shared rooms rather than living alone in apartments and condominiums, there is use of a common washing machine, so the possession rate of washing machine tends to be low in Vietnam.

Moreover, with the economic growth of Vietnam, the spread of the Internet has also progressed and hence the number of owners of personal computers is also on the rise.

This kind of background is influencing and the popularity of “PC” might dominate over “washing machine”.


[Q.] Please tell us the name of the manufacturer of the appliances you use. (MA)


When asked about “the brand of appliances people use”, the highest response from both male and female was the manufacturer “Samsung” at 73% and 74% respectively. The second highest response from men was “LG” at 40% and from women it was “SONY” at 46%. The third highest response from men was ‘SONY” at 38% and “Panasonic” was the third highest response from women at 40%.

As there are no domestic home appliances manufacturer in Vietnam, manufacturers from South Korea, China and Japan seem to occupy most of the market.

After this, we asked people about their favorite home appliance manufacturer!


[Q.] Please tell us your favorite manufacturer of home appliances.(SA)



When asked about “the manufacturer people like the most”, the highest response from both male and female was the manufacturer “Samsung” at 40% and 37% respectively. The second highest response from men was “LG” at 16% and from women it was “Toshiba” at 14%. The third highest response from men was ‘SONY” at 12% and “Panasonic” was the third highest response from women at 11%


The men’s TOP 3 had the same rank as the home appliances they actually have, but women seem to be more interested in Japanese makers as women had ranked Japanese makers from 2nd to 4th place.

In the Vietnamese home appliance market, to start with, Korean manufacturers such as Samsung only boast an overwhelming share in the market.

It seems that the reason behind the support to home appliances from Korean manufacturers is that they are not only good in quality but are also reasonably priced

Although Japanese appliances have a reputation of being of high quality, the prices are slightly higher than those of other countries.

It seems that the current situation is that “Home appliances are longed for” by people.

Since home appliances are equivalent to luxury goods in Vietnam, the quality as well as the price seems to be one of the important decisions when considering purchasing home appliances.


[Q.] Not having which home appliance would be problematic for you? Please choose.(SA)


When asked “not having which home appliance would be problematic for you?”, both male and female respondents chose two home appliances, “microwave; oven” and “audio devices”.

But if we compare with the results of the “home appliances (ownership rate)” which we showed to you earlier, the ownership rate is not that high. It is 21% for “microwave; oven” and 34% for “audio devices”

If we breakdown the results and look at the number of people who chose these home appliances, among those who chose “microwave oven”, only 8% actually own it and among those who chose “audio devices” , only 21% actually own it. From this we understood that the response “it will be problematic” was supported by the people who actually don’t own the appliances.

In case of microwave ovens and audio devices, their demand isn’t that much.

Microwave corresponds to instant noodles! Attention towards home appliances related to food

On summarizing the situation of Vietnamese home appliances, the following result was obtained.

★Top 3 home appliances : Refrigerator, TV, Rice cooker
★Favorite manufacturer of home appliance and manufacturer of home appliance people own:”Samsung”

★ Home appliances whose absence would be problematic : “Microwave ; Oven” and “Audio Devices”

There are many home appliances related to “food”.

As Vietnam has a warm climate throughout the year, “Refrigerator” is a necessary item to store and preserve food.

Vietnam is the world’s top instant noodle consuming country.

Many people use “microwave oven” when making instant noodles, so it seems that more microwave ovens with instant noodle function are being developed.

As “food” is an indispensable element to live, people can’t help depend on its support.

It cannot be said that the home electronics penetration rate in Vietnam is still high, but it is expanding steadily.

In the meantime, what kind of household appliances will be nearly 100% penetration rate in Vietnam and how Japanese appliance manufacturers approach Vietnamese consumer electronics market

Following this, what kind of household appliances will have a penetration rate of nearly 100% in Vietnam and how Japanese appliance manufacturers will approach Vietnamese consumer electronics market.

We are looking forward towards the developments in future.

The detailed report which this article referred to is available.
[Table of contents]

  • Vietnamese’s owning home appliances
  • Vietnamese’s brands of home appliance in use
  • Vietnamese’s favorite home appliance manufacturer
  • Vietnamese’s place to purchase home appliances
  • Vietnamese’s decision factor of purchase home appliances
  • Vietnamese’s times to visit stores when they purchase home appliances
  • Vietnamese’s intention to read manuals of home appliances
  • Vietnamese’s necessary home appliances
  • Summary

Check description of this report

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