
  1. The Indonesian Trending Dream Job: Programming

    The workforce is an important aspect of a country. They are the ones who contributed greatly to the production of goods …

  2. job changing

    Do Indonesian Satisfied with their Job?

    Davis, Newstrom and Dresler, scholars of Organizat…

  3. washing

    Survey: How do Indonesian Wash Their Clothes?

    Washing clothes is essential for keeping hygiene. …

  4. What do Indonesian Aim from Joining a Course or Training?

    There are a lot of reasons training or courses w…

  5. Indonesian Loves Smartphone Games, But Reluctant to Pay

    Mobile games are growing at a remarkable pace. All…

  6. Indonesian mostly get only one day off and spend with family

  7. Indonesian and a thin line between those who are not interested and are interested in fortune-telling

  8. Pop Up Ads Notif Is Annoying Sometime, How to Make Indonesian Deal With

  9. Indonesian Chose WhatsApp As A Worth Personal Notification, Why?

  10. Grow Business Faster Better Stronger with Followers, But Which Platforms?


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