
Indonesians Enjoy Sunny Weather. How Business Opportunities Could be Made?

Located on the equator, Indonesia possesses only two seasons—dry and rainy seasons. It certainly also affects the weather that we feel and face every day. If it is not raining or sunny, then it must be cloudy.

Our activities—even the littlest ones—are really dependent on the weather. Mothers will not scream at their children when they’re playing outside while the sun is up high. Some people will think twice to jog on the track when it’s raining. Some others will find comfort to walk around in the afternoon when the sky is cloudy.

Let’s take a look at this chart below to see Indonesians’ preferences regarding the weather!

SURVEY PERIOD: JULY 8th, 2019 – JANUARY 8th, 2020

What weather do you like the most? (SA)

We might find comfort when the weather is not too hot or too cold—furthermore, wet. Turns out, Indonesians tend to be delighted when it’s sunny! It’s shown from the chart that no less than 59.4% (297 respondents) prefer sunny weather. While 29.2% (146 respondents) enjoy the cloudy sky and 11.4% (57 respondents) choose rain.

Making money under the sun

There are various activities Indonesians can do when it’s sunny, not to mention the basic and regular activities like going to work or school. People will be encouraged to do sports, like jogging, swimming, or hiking. Having a vacation is also a good option in this weather.

While joining the sunbathing crowds, we should rack our brains in order to make money. Here are some ideas for you.

Food truck

Spending a lot of time under the sun might drain the energy. Foods and some refreshing drinks may seem like an oasis in the middle of the desert. Go, build the concept, arrange the plan, set the location, and drive your food truck!

Rental shop

Some places can’t be reached by public transportations. To explore amazing places during a vacation might require private transport. It can be a bike, scooter or car. To open a rental shop, consider offering items at competitive rates.

Sports shop

Sunny is the ideal weather to play sports! Furthermore, some sports have become a trend in our society nowadays, such as running and rollerblade.

Make up your mind then make some money!

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