
80% of people take extra learning lessons! Investigation on the situation of “Extra learning lessons” in Vietnam

80% of people take extra learning lessons! Investigation on the situation of “Extra learning lessons” in Vietnam

Since being a productive member of society, have you ever had the experience of taking “extra lessons or activities”?

There are a lot of people who want to do extra activities and learning but are unable to do so due to lack of time, isn’t it?

Actually, I’ve had experience in taking extra lessons for myself from the time I became a working member of society.

But since I work till late due to overtime at work,  I can only do it on weekends and only about two to three times in a month.

Now we wonder about how many people in Vietnam take “extra lessons”.

Based on the data from the survey “Extra lessons”, let’s see the situation of “extra learning and activities” in Vietnam.
(*)Licorice Investigation
Questionnaire delivery period:2016.11.25-12.31

Questionnaire Respondents: 501 Vietnamese, aged 10-50 years old, men and women.


[Q.] Are you taking any extra lessons currently? (SA)


Currently, the numbers of males who take extra lessons are 81.4%, while 74.5% women take extra lessons.

There are slightly more number of men who said “yes” in comparison to women.

As there have been no similar results over the time, if inferred from multiple surveys like these, among the Japanese people of society, people who are taking extra lessons are in the range   10%-20% as a whole. Women alone stand at 30%.

Did you see that the extra learning rate is very high in Vietnam?

Everyone in Vietnam is proactive in “advancing themselves” through further learning!


[Q.] Please tell us the what kind of lessons you are currently taking.MA



When asked about what kind of lesson they are trying to learn, more than 40% of both men and women said “Language”. The next top choices were “IT skills” for men at 29.5% and “Music” for women at 12.4%.

Learning a language seems to be the most popular among people in Vietnam.

Looking closely at “IT skill”, 29.5% of men are taking it while only mere 4.5% of women take it.

There is a wide gap between sexes when it comes to this field of study.

In Vietnam, it is said that 90% of people who are in the field of web development are males, which can be correlated to the increased popularity and expansion of this learning among males.

Meanwhile, there are more and more women getting into the fields of engineering year by year. It seems that women learning “IT skills” are also increasing.



[Q.] How often do you take your current lessons? SA

 (*) In case you are taking more than one type of lessons, please answer the one you take most frequently.


When asked how often do you “take extra lessons”, overall 45% of people said “almost every day”, followed by “2-3 times in a week” at 17.2%, and then “4-5 times in a week” at 16.3%.

Since, more than 60% of people are taking lessons more than 4 times a week; we got the impression that frequency of people taking lessons is very high.

For Vietnamese people, “learning” may be a part of everyday life.



 [Q.] What form or method do you use for studying lessons? (MA)



When asked what form or method do they use when taking lessons, the most common response was “by attending conventional school” which comprised of 68.7% of respondents. Further response was through “self-study” which is about 31% and then followed by e-Learning at 13.7% of respondents.

In Vietnam, if we talk about further learning, “going to school” seems to be the most ideal way of learning in Vietnam.

When looked closely at the data from those who selected “Self-study”, more than half of the people have chose “School” and “e-Learning” as their methods for further learning.

It can be learning more than one type of lesson or it may be retaking lessons again for deepening of understanding, either way we see can see that people are very willing and ambitious about learn further and new things.


An easy and comfortable environment is essential for “learning”.

If the questionnaire is summarized, the 501 people who answered about 80% said that they are currently taking lessons or advance studies and from this group of people about 40% said that “Language” is the topic of their study. About 60% of people said that they study in conventional school and they do this in about 4 times in a week.

On exploring the background and circumstances of the frequency of further learning in Vietnam, we discovered two things.

Firstly, there are a lot of clubs of various interests and learning that one can easily join in and participate with.


In Vietnam, there are”circles” for learning which you can join instead of taking classes.

There are various genres such as Academics, hobbies, sports, etc people learn together with friends and there seem to be a lot of clubs people can participate and can learn with friends.

The other thing is that the work ending time is fixed.

People in Vietnam basically do not do overtime.

It is in ingrained in their culture that spending time with family is always more important than work. For instance, it is really important that all family members must eat dinner together.

In addition, overtime pay rates are higher in Vietnam than in Japan so companies usually avoid having their employees do overtime.

Because Vietnam has an easy environment for learning, one can actively take lessons.

Also further learning is not only a way to develop oneself but also a very good way to spend time and interact with friends.

In Japan, although there are a lot of schools and clubs of various interests to choose from but unfortunately it is a country among advanced nations where the culture of overtime is still very persistent, where it is a reality that you cannot really have free time during weekdays to do pretty much anything else such as learning new things or educating yourself further.

Right now, there aren’t many prospects to see Japan in the near future without the culture of work overtime.

But it would be really better to have enough time to increase one’s knowledge and to do many other good things.


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